

Word Search Asks Question To Users: How Fast Can You Find A List Of Words?

Word Search is another one of those games you might stumble upon as you’re trying to kill time. By using clean and colorful grids, you’re given the task of trying to find a list of words. Sounds simple, but the words are hidden amongst jumbled and scrambled letters, so you have to pay close attention and look for patterns in order to find each word. While there’s no time limit, users are still timed and will aim to complete the list as quickly as possible. You’ll be able to find words and complete the puzzles quickly too thanks to some snappy and intuitive controls. All you do is swipe in the direction of the word you find and that’s it. My first go-round of the game had me complete the puzzle on my tablet in just under 17 minutes, but by the time I got used to the patterns and strategy, my average dropped a whopping 3 minutes. Users should expect a similar– if not better outcome. One noteworthy aspect is the game has numerous languages available. That means if your bilingual or multilingual like myself, you’ll be able to challenge yourself even The game is available for any Android 1.6+ device. While it will work on any device, I found the layout and further interface to be especially brilliant on tablets thanks to some special tablet-specific optimizations that developer Melimots included. If you’re ready to stimulate your brain in yet another way, give this simple, yet great game a try today by hitting up the Android Market or by scanning the QR code below.

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