

Sharing Made Better With Andmade Share

Sharing is an integral part of Android. The built-in share menu is simple, useful, and ubiquitous on every build of Android. But how much has it really changed between versions? Not much. Sure, it does the job, but it’s just an alphabetical list of apps that can accept a share request. Over time, the list gets very long and unwieldy. How can it be made better?
Developer Andmade Software has an answer with their Andmade Share app. This app replaces Android’s basic share menu with one that has a few more features.
  • Share to multiple applications at once
  • Reorder the app list
  • Fast share to Evernote.
Screenshots, download links, and more after the break.
Just being able to change the order of apps in the list is a huge help. If you don’t ever share to specific apps, simply long-press and drag the apps out of sight down the list. Move the apps you use the most to the top of the list. No more crazy long scrolling to find your favorite apps.
Sharing to multiple apps is also very useful. When the share menu appears, you can check each app you want to share to, then click the icon of one of them. Each app will then open one at a time so you don’t have to re-share multiple times.
Fast sharing with Evernote allows one click sharing with no other interaction needed. This is convenient if you use Evernote but we’d like to see the list of fast sharing apps grow in a future update.
All in all, Andmade Share seems like a great upgrade to the standard Android share menu. Download for free from the Android Market or QR code below.

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