

Samsung Galaxy S III To Launch In April? [Rumor]

Another day, another Android rumor. This time, ZDNet Korea is reporting that the Samsung Galaxy S III, after being unveiled sometime this month, will be launching in April — as in, of thisyear — in an attempt to gain a foothold against the iPhone 5′s release. These sources come from Samsung’s marketing and advertising agency, Cheil Worldwide, who is planning for a marketing blitz in the UK to coincide with this year’s summer Olympics, in London, England. We’ll have to wait to see how this pans out but it seems like rather short notice to us.
The UK will be one of the first markets to receive the GSIII, so it all makes sense in some sort of weird way. Earlier reports said Samsung was planning for a simultaneous global release of the phone but not sure how accurate that could be given the vigorous testing phase US carriers like to put devices through on their networks. What do you guys think? Too soon? Or will you start saving up your pennies now?
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