

HTC Thunderbolt Gets ICS Leak – Let the Games Begin!

HTC Thunderbolt Gets ICS Leak – Let the Games Begin!
The HTC Thunderbolt was one of the first LTE devices on Verizon, but quickly faded into the background as the HTC Rezound was launched. HTC however stated via Facebook that the Thunderbolt would be receiving an ICS update by the end of August, along with all of the other promised devices, though we’re coming up on the end of the month, with still no official date of release.
Never fear though as leaks are bound to happen, and according to PhoneNews the official update from Verizon has leaked. The version number in the leak is 7.00.605.2, and you can visit the XDA discussion thread where they’re discussing the leak and where to download ithere. There are reports of some running the leak with no issues, and others stating they are having numerous force-close issues, so your-mileage-may-vary. For those running this device, keep checking the Thunderbolt development section for a ROM based on the leak to pop up.
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