

Pebble Android SDK released: Will the project take off?

The Pebble is yet another addition to the emerging smartwatch market. As such, it is still unclear if the project will be successful. Developers who want to start playing around with the product now have the SDK available, though, as it was released during Google IO.
This will give developers a head start developing apps for the e-paper smartwatch ahead of its Fall release. For those that jumped in on the kickstarter project, that is. The rest of us will have to wait until the device becomes available for sale at an unknown date.
The Pebble, along with every smartwatch out there, is stuck in a very delicate situation. The smartwatch market is very new, making it very unstable as well. Most users don’t see the benefit in paying for an accessory that is basically an extension to one’s phone. It’s much seen as a luxury or convenience, especially with these products going for over $100.
This brings us back to the chicken and the egg dilemma we are also seeing with Google TV. Developers would rather not waste their effort making apps for a product very few will be using. At the same time, users don’t want to buy products with a limited amount of apps or content.
This situation makes it rather hard to see how a project like Pebble would take off. The kickstarter was very successful, though, with about 85,000 subscribers pledging quickly after its launch. We will simply have to wait and see how developers commit to the platform.
More than a few of us are excited over smartwatches and would definitely pay to own one of these. It must be understood that we are also tech geeks, and the general consumer would see things very differently. Regardless, we would like to learn what our readers think of this. Do you think the Pebble will become a successful seller? Would you buy one? And what would be your sweet spot for a smartwatch, in terms of pricing?
[Source: Pebble Team]
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